Technology, Consumer Staples, Healthcare Jan 13, 2022 08:59 PM (GMT+8) · EqualOcean
Financial Associated Press, January 13 (Xinhua) - lanfan medical announced that Jiwei medical, a subsidiary of the company, plans to participate in the investment of the fund Suzhou Industrial Park Yisheng phase I venture capital partnership (limited partnership) ("Yisheng phase I") initiated by Yisheng capital with limited partners such as Zhongxin Suzhou Industrial Park Development Group Co., Ltd., and the target fund scale is RMB 300 million. Among them, Jiwei medical, as a limited partner, contributed RMB 20 million with its own funds. Yisheng phase I invests in early medical devices, in vitro diagnostic reagents, stem cells, biotechnology and medical services, which helps the company layout industries and investments in large health and new medical fields, and is in line with the company's strategic development plan.