Industrials Dec 20, 2021 09:05 AM (GMT+8) · EqualOcean
On December 20, 2021, Zhihe technology, an Internet of things service provider in the construction industry, announced that it had successively completed round a + and round B financing of more than 100 million yuan. Round a + was invested by Dongfang Fuhai and round B was jointly invested by Qingsong fund and CPE Yuanfeng. Founder Liu zhaogrape said that this round of financing will be mainly used to expand the market team and investment in new products. Nanjing Zhi he Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Chi crane technology") is a high-tech company based on the Internet of things technology, with the goal of "continuously improving construction efficiency", and persisting in the integration of construction machinery management and resources, and building the Internet plus ecological circle of construction machinery. The new product "mechanical commander" launched in 2019 is committed to the Internet of things management of construction machinery. It has advanced shift management and fuel management technology, and can provide customers with a complete set of information management solutions for construction machinery. So far, the "machinery commander" has sold more than 100000 sets in total, and its customers cover more than 600 central enterprises in the industry and large local state-owned enterprises, such as China Railway First Bureau to China Railway 25th Bureau, China power construction, Shandong Expressway, Guizhou Road and bridge, Jinan urban construction, Shenzhen Municipal Administration, etc. Dong Zhanbin, the founder partner of round B capital and Qingsong fund, said that due to the industrial characteristics of the construction machinery industry, Zhihe technology can not only become the industrial Internet of things information infrastructure, but also have a lot of diversified commercial extension space. "We are not only optimistic about what Zhihe technology has done, but also optimistic about the Zhihe team led by Liu zhaogrape. They have a deep industry accumulation, have a strong will and have completed tasks more than expected for many times.