Technology, Consumer Staples Sep 08, 2021 05:16 PM (GMT+8) · EqualOcean
AP, September 8, Pengdu agriculture and animal husbandry announced that in order to optimize the company's asset structure and revitalize the company's idle assets, the company's holding subsidiary fiagril LTDA ("fiagril") plans to sign the land purchase and sale framework agreement with argino bedin to transfer the idle land located in Mato Grosso State (Land Registration No.: 26.129, "transaction object") Sold to argino bedin for R $5 million. According to the preliminary calculation of the company's financial department, the disposal of idle land is expected to increase the company's current profit and loss by 3 million yuan, accounting for 16% of the audited company's net profit in 2021. The specific results will be subject to the results confirmed by the annual audit accountant's annual audit.
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