Jul 08, 2021 11:26 AM (GMT+8) · EqualOcean
Yili Group's short-term corporate bonds (phase I) were successfully issued on the Shanghai Stock Exchange. The scale is 1 billion yuan, the term is 30 days, and the interest rate is 2.80%. Previously, the term of public short-term corporate bonds was generally about one year, with the shortest term of 90 days. The issuance of the 30 day short-term corporate bonds is another major breakthrough in the financing of enterprises in the exchange market. Meanwhile, the 30 day maturity also set the shortest maturity record of corporate bonds in the history of the exchange market. On May 21, 2020, the exchange began to implement the pilot of short-term corporate bonds, mainly to make up for the lack of short-term varieties of the exchange, help to meet diversified financing needs and reduce financing costs.
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