Jan 27, 2021 10:26 PM (GMT+8) · EqualOcean
Wansheng shares announced that Wansheng investment, the controlling shareholder of the company, plans to transfer 50 million shares of Wansheng shares (14.42% of the current total share capital) to Nangang shares. The number of non-public offering shares of the company is not more than 77 million shares (including 77 million shares), all of which will be subscribed by Nanjing Iron and Steel Co., Ltd., and the total amount of funds raised will not exceed 1.573 billion yuan. If the issue is completed and the transfer of shares is completed, Nansteel will hold 127 million shares, accounting for 29.98% of the total share capital of the company after the issue. The controlling shareholder of the company will be changed from Wansheng investment to Nansteel, and the actual controller will be changed from Gao Xianguo family member to Guo Guangchang. The company's shares will resume trading on January 28, 2021 (Thursday).