Technology, Consumer Staples, Financials Jun 26, 2022 06:04 PM (GMT+8) · EqualOcean
Chongqing Fuling banking and insurance regulatory branch recently issued to banking institutions within its jurisdiction the administrative measures for the points of supervision and statistics of banking financial institutions within the jurisdiction of Fuling banking and insurance regulatory branch. The measures include the establishment and implementation of the regulatory statistical system, 1104 off-site regulatory statements, monthly and quarterly routine analysis, etc. into the statistical integral management, so as to improve the quality of regulatory statistical statements and the level of regulatory statistical analysis. According to the measures, the score management adopts the method of "single assessment, cumulative score and half year summary". In the first half of the year, the relevant information from January to June is counted, and in the second half of the year, the relevant information from July to December is counted. The full score is 100, of which the scores of statistical management, statistical report and statistical analysis are 10, 50 and 40 respectively. For banking financial institutions with a score of less than 60 points (excluding) every six months, Fuling banking and insurance regulatory branch will file a case for investigation and impose administrative penalties according to the investigation results.
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