Financials May 19, 2022 03:49 AM (GMT+8) · EqualOcean
In recent days, Lianyungang, Zhengzhou, Changsha, Lanzhou, Fuzhou, Changsha, Nanjing, Suzhou and other places have adjusted their property market regulation policies. From the content of the policy, it is mainly to reduce the proportion of down payment, increase the support of provident fund for house purchase, reduce the mortgage interest rate, adjust the scope of purchase restriction, shorten the sales restriction cycle, give tax incentives and house purchase subsidies to house buyers, etc. Xu Xiaole, chief market analyst of Shell Research Institute, said that recently, the central bank lowered the lower limit of the first mortgage interest rate by 20 basis points. In combination with the cancellation of house recognition and loan recognition in some cities in the early stage, the demand for changing houses is implemented according to the first set of loans. The reduction of the lower limit of interest rate is conducive to reducing the purchase cost of rigid demand and improved demand, which is expected to improve market transactions and speed up the bottom repair of house prices.