Automotive Mar 13, 2022 12:08 PM (GMT+8) · EqualOcean
Recently, many owners of Xiaopeng automobile complained that their mileage decreased significantly after an OTA (vehicle remote upgrade) at the end of last year. It is suspected that Xiaopeng automobile "locked" the vehicle through Ota. These owners are the first users of Xiaopeng P7. The reporter consulted the official customer service of Xiaopeng automobile. The other party said that if there is any doubt about the battery capacity, the owner can go to the store for free testing. However, Mr. Le, the owner of the car, said that he and many car friends found this problem a few months ago and began to contact Xiaopeng to deal with it. Xiaopeng and the sales store repeatedly stressed that there was no "power lock". However, when the owner asked the store to do battery testing, the store said that there was no relevant equipment.
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