Feb 14, 2022 06:48 PM (GMT+8) · EqualOcean
*St foundation announced that the company's subsidiaries Island Airport and Qiongzhong HNA investment's HNA Haoting phase II C13 plot project and the remaining project of Qiongzhong HNA courtyard are the real estate projects of the company. Hainan airport plans to sign the construction contract for curtain wall and external doors and windows of HNA Haoting phase II C13 plot project with Shenzhen Sanxin to promote the construction of HNA Haoting phase II C13 plot project, The contract price is 83.9207 million yuan; Qiongzhong HNA investment plans to sign the contract for the remaining works of Qiongzhong HNA courtyard (Civil Engineering rectification, fine decoration, garden landscape improvement, electromechanical and fire protection) with Shenzhen Sanxin to promote the construction of the remaining works of Qiongzhong HNA courtyard. The contract price is 91.368 million yuan; The total price of the above two contracts is 175 million yuan.
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