Technology, Healthcare, Real Estate Jan 07, 2022 04:29 PM (GMT+8) · EqualOcean
Financial Associated Press, Jan. 7 (Xinhua) - aimeike announced that Zhao Shuanghong, the former chief financial officer and financial officer of the company, applied to resign as chief financial officer of the company for personal reasons. Before appointing a new chief financial officer, Shi Yifeng, the general manager of the company, acted as the financial director. Upon the nomination of Shi Yifeng, the company appoints Zhang Renchao as the financial director (chief financial officer) of the company. The term of office starts from the date of adoption of the resolution of the board of directors to the date of expiration of the second board of directors. Shi Yifeng, the general manager, no longer acts as the financial director.
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