Technology, Financials Dec 07, 2021 07:58 PM (GMT+8) · EqualOcean
Financial Associated Press, Dec. 7, * ST easy to see announcement, as of the disclosure date of the announcement, a total of 45 bank accounts of the company and its subsidiaries have been frozen, and 6 new bank accounts have been frozen; The total amount of cases involved was 718 million yuan, and the frozen amount of bank accounts was 5.096 million yuan. Up to now, part of the equity of 6 subsidiaries of the company has been frozen, and the total amount of execution involved in the case is 213 million yuan and interest, with a new execution amount involved of 172 million yuan; The total amount of frozen equity is RMB 156.5 million. The equity of the new central Yunnan supply chain and Jiayi Chengxing investment (Jinan) partnership (limited partnership) is frozen, and the amount of frozen equity is RMB 115.6 million.