Sep 17, 2021 11:58 AM (GMT+8) · EqualOcean
In the afternoon trading today, a total of 27 shares in the two markets rose by the limit, with a total of 8 stocks connected to the board, and 29 failed to close the board, with a closing rate of 48% (excluding ST shares, delisted shares and unopened new shares). In terms of individual stocks, Guangyu reorganized the concept, developed 10 boards, and announced that the successful development of thorium based molten salt reactor for the fourth generation of nuclear energy technology had two boards on baose gem, four boards on hongbaoli 5 days for chemical stocks, three boards on Jianye shares, two boards on energy-saving wind power 3 days for wind power stocks. The oversold consumer medicine rebounded, and Tongce medical and golden seed wine rose by the limit.